Want to reduce your carbon footprint?
Turn waste into a valuable resource?
On-site equipment is the answer to both of the above. Whether it be equipment that reduces your collections and traffic to site by over 70% or generate a revenue stream from your material, our experts are here to provide innovative solutions.
Baxter offer a wide range of recycling equipment, such as:
Millsize Balers
Small single chamber balers
Twin chamber bales
Roll packers
Portable & Static Compactors
Self-Cleaning Compactors
Polystyrene Compactors
This equipment is the ideal solution for containing bagged waste and recycling onsite over a longer period of time. Instead of having multiple collections from large numbers of smaller containers, you can compact your waste saving resource and space, together with reducing your carbon footprint.
This equipment is used to compact recyclable materials that have a value such as paper, cardboard and plastics. These materials are light and can take up a lot of space in wheeled containers. Implementing the right baler will enable you to turn your waste into a valuable resource, whilst increasing onsite efficiencies.
Free Waste Consultation
Baxter provide a free consultation at your premises that will analyse how your business can utilise equipment to reduce costs and improve efficiencies. Speak to one of our team today.