Starting from the 6th of April 2024, new regulations will be enforced by the Welsh Government regarding the collection and disposal of waste. All businesses operating in Wales will be required to segregate their waste for recycling by placing different recyclable items into separate containers. These new separation requirements are in line with the Welsh Government's "Towards Zero Waste" strategy, which aims to achieve a 70% recycling rate by 2025. By segregating recyclable items, businesses of all sizes can participate in the circular economy and help the government achieve its target of diverting all waste away from landfills by 2050.
This involves:
Food - premises that produce more that 5kg of food waste a week
Paper and Card
Metal, plastic and cartons
Unsold textiles
Unsold electrical items (WEEE)
Any non-recyclable items will need to be disposed of into a General Waste container.
Workplace Recycling regulations will lead to the removal of DMR services. Businesses will now have to segregate materials that were previously discarded as commingled waste. Moreover, recyclable materials that were previously disposed of into General Waste bins will also have to be separated for collection. This means that you will no longer be able to arrange your DMR bin to be collected as General Waste. this will lead to an examination of your services to determine which types of recycling services they need to switch to.
Contact Baxter for any queries.